I have the following code, written for OpenLayers pre 3.20:
fitViewToFeature: function (viewer, feature) {
var pan = ol.animation.pan({
source: viewer.olView.getCenter(),
duration: 1000
var zoom = ol.animation.zoom({
resolution: viewer.olView.getResolution(),
duration: 1000
viewer.olMap.beforeRender(pan, zoom)
viewer.olView.fit(feature.getGeometry(), viewer.olMap.getSize(), {
padding: [ 100, 100, 100, 100 ],
constrainResolution: false,
maxZoom: 4
My question is how to translate this function into the new view.animate() syntax introduced in OpenLayers 3.20?
Or alternately, should I open a GitHub issue and request a new option to be added to view.animate?
You should be able to achieve the same animation in a much simpler way, with the
option ofol.View#fit()
:The above works in OpenLayers 4.x.
@zsero, I use the same function to zoom to the extent of a layer source. I use view.animate() for up to half of my route and at the callback function I use view.fit().
I need to setTimeout on the view.fit() otherwise I have an error message: Cannot read property 'length' of null at ol.View.updateAnimations_