I am new to Google compute engine and I am try to setup network load balancing having 2 VMs for serving web pages.
For ex, I have 2 VMs - app1 and app2 - both having apache server and serves simple web page.
Both VMs are running with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)
I am able to access both web pages through the IP in browser.
I created network load balancing setup and both apps are showing in green in target pool which means load balancer is able to connect to both VMs.
But, when I hit the IP of load balancer, it is rendering page from only one server. If I manually stop the server in the VM, load balancer IP redirects to other app. I believe load balancer is able to identify health of both VMs and able to redirect.
But it is not balancing the traffic. Can anyone help me to solve this issue?
I think that the network load balancer doesn't forward the traffic on a round-robin basis. I was able to test it with the load balancer setup that I have. As per the documentation:
HTTP/S load balancing will proxy requests in a round-robin fashion. https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/http/