Angular 2 RouterLinkActive class for child routes

2019-07-14 06:18发布

I have a nav component with a sub nav associated to it. The data structure is as follows:

    title: 'Layout', routerLink: 'layout', // main nav
    subNav: // sub nav
      title: 'Layout',
      items: [
        { title: 'Layout', routerLink: 'layout' },
        { title: 'Page Layout', routerLink: 'page-layout' },

I would like to create a link between the main nav and the sub nav so that when page-layout is navigated to, the active class is still set. My current parent HTML is:

    <div [routerLink]="[item.routerLink]" 
        [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{ exact: true }" #navitem>   

          // navigation specific html


I have attempted to add multiple routerlinks options and provide an array of routerlink options such as

[routerLink]="['/layout', '/page-layout']"

but this doesn't work.


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