I'm trying to create something like a sports app, which contains a scoreboard. I created a View in my storyboard and dragged some UILabels inside the view. Then I added the constraints to the labels.
Now when I run the app on an iPhone the screen looks nice. All fonts and labels have the right size. But on the iPad is looks something like this:
But it should look like this:
How can I scale up the font size and the labels so it looks perfectly on the iPad?
You can use size classes. Select the label you want to scale, then on the Utilities panel click the tiny '+' button near the "Font" label. In dropdown list select "regular width" > "regular height". And then in newly appeared Font setting select a bigger font size:
If you're not using size classes then you have to either change font size in code (use UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() macros to determine whether you running on iPhone or iPad), or simply create different storyboard for the iPad interface (add new storyboard to the project and then in your app's plist add "Main storyboard file base name (iPad)" key with your new storyboard's name (without extension) as value)
You can specify the font size to be used for each size class. This can be configured in Xcode storyboard editor as described here.