What's the better database design: more tables

2019-01-10 01:52发布

A former coworker insisted that a database with more tables with fewer columns each is better then one with fewer tables with more columns each. For example rather than a customer table with name, address, city, state, zip, etc. columns, you would have a name table, an address table, a city table, etc.

He argued this design was more efficient and flexible. Perhaps it is more flexible, but I am not qualified to comment on its efficiency. Even if it is more efficient, I think those gains may be outweighed by the added complexity.

So, are there any significant benefits to more tables with fewer columns over fewer tables with more columns?

2楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:36


I think its a wash and depends on your particular design model. Definitely factor out entities that have more than a few fields out into their own table, or entities whose makeup will likely change as your application's requirements changes (for instance - I'd factor out address anyways, since it has so many fields, but I'd especially do it if you thought there was any chance you'd need to handle foreign country addresses, which can be of a different form. The same with phone numbers).

That said, when you're got it working, keep an eye out on performance. If you've spun an entity out that requires you to do large, expensive joins, maybe it becomes a better design decision to spin that table back into the original.

3楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:38

There are advantages to having tables with fewer columns, but you also need to look at your scenario above and answer these questions:

Will the customer be allowed to have more than 1 address? If not, then a separate table for address is not necessary. If so, then a separate table becomes helpful because you can easily add more addresses as needed down the road, where it becomes more difficult to add more columns to the table.

4楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:39

Good to see so many inspiring and well based answers.

My answer would be (unfortunately): it depends.

Two cases: * If you create a datamodel that is to be used for many years and thus possibly has to adept many future changes: go for more tables and less rows and pretty strict normalization. * In other cases you can choose between more tables-less rows or less tables-more rows. Especially for people relatively new to the subject this last approach can be more intuitive and easy to comprehend.

The same is valid for the choosing between the object oriented approach and other options.

5楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:40

A fully normalized design (i.e, "More Tables") is more flexible, easier to maintain, and avoids duplication of data, which means your data integrity is going to be a lot easier to enforce.

Those are powerful reasons to normalize. I would choose to normalize first, and then only denormalize specific tables after you saw that performance was becoming an issue.

My experience is that in the real world, you won't reach the point where denormalization is necessary, even with very large data sets.

Summer. ? 凉城
6楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:40

It depends on your database flavor. MS SQL Server, for example, tends to prefer narrower tables. That's also the more 'normalized' approach. Other engines might prefer it the other way around. Mainframes tend to fall in that category.

7楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:40

When you design your database, you should be as close as possible from the meaning of data and NOT your application need !

A good database design should stand over 20 years without a change.

A customer could have multiple adresses, that's the reality. If you decided that's your application is limited to one adresse for the first release, it's concern the design of your application not the data !

It's better to have multiple table instead of multiple column and use view if you want to simplify your query.

Most of time you will have performance issue with a database it's about network performance (chain query with one row result, fetch column you don't need, etc) not about the complexity of your query.

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