What's the better database design: more tables

2019-01-10 01:52发布

A former coworker insisted that a database with more tables with fewer columns each is better then one with fewer tables with more columns each. For example rather than a customer table with name, address, city, state, zip, etc. columns, you would have a name table, an address table, a city table, etc.

He argued this design was more efficient and flexible. Perhaps it is more flexible, but I am not qualified to comment on its efficiency. Even if it is more efficient, I think those gains may be outweighed by the added complexity.

So, are there any significant benefits to more tables with fewer columns over fewer tables with more columns?

2楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:23

It doesn't sound so much like a question about tables/columns, but about normalization. In some situations have a high degree of normalization ("more tables" in this case) is good, and clean, but it typically takes a high number of JOINs to get relevant results. And with a large enough dataset, this can bog down performance.

Jeff wrote a little about it regarding the design of StackOverflow. See also the post Jeff links to by Dare Obasanjo.

3楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:26

I think balance is in order in this case. If it makes sense to put a column in a table, then put it in the table, if it doesn't, then don't. Your coworkers approach would definately help to normalize the database, but that might not be very useful if you have to join 50 tables together to get the information you need.

I guess what my answer would be is, use your best judgement.

4楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:27

The multi-table database is a lot more flexible if any of these one to one relationships may become one to many or many to many in the future. For example, if you need to store multiple addresses for some customers, it's a lot easier if you have a customer table and an address table. I can't really see a situation where you might need to duplicate some parts of an address but not others, so separate address, city, state, and zip tables may be a bit over the top.

5楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:32

i would consider normalizing as the first step, so cities, counties, states, countries would be better as separate columns... the power of SQL language, together with today DBMS-es allows you to group your data later if you need to view it in some other, non-normalized view.

When the system is being developed, you might consider 'unnormalizing' some part if you see that as an improvement.

The star\"
6楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:32

I think you have to look at the kind of data you're storing before you make that decision. Having an address table is great but only if the likelihood of multiple people sharing the same address is high. If every person had different addresses, keeping that data in a different table just introduces unnecessary joins.

I don't see the benefit of having a city table unless cities in of themselves are entities you care about in your application. Or if you want to limit the number of cities available to your users.

Bottom line is decisions like this have to take the application itself into considering before you start shooting for efficiency. IMO.

7楼-- · 2019-01-10 02:32

First, normalize your tables. This ensures you avoid redundant data, giving you less rows of data to scan, which improves your queries. Then, if you run into a point where the normalized tables you are joining are causing the query to take to long to process (expensive join clause), denormalize where more appropriate.

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