how can i convert a string ip address to a decimal number. e.g I have a data bytes= b'363,3,1778952384,7076' , here 1778952384 is my ip address and 7076 is my port. How can I convert my IP address to decimal number. below is my code, please help me to solve these problem
import socket
from tornado.tcpclient import TCPClient
from tornado import gen
def f(self, message):
global stream
client = TCPClient()
stream = yield client.connect('', 2620, max_buffer_size=int(1e9))
msg = ', 8000'.encode('utf-8')
yield stream.write(msg)
data = yield stream.read_bytes(21)
print("bytes=",data) #bytes= b'363,3,1778952384,7076
Python has an ipaddress module which can handle this sort of thing. It was added to the standard library in Python 3, but should be installable for earlier versions, too.
You may also be asking about splitting the string (on
since it's a bytestring), getting the right field, and converting it to anint