Rather than create a new SSH key pair on a vagrant box, I would like to re-use the key pair I have on my host machine, using agent forwarding. I've tried setting config.ssh.forward_agent to TRUE in the Vagrantfile, then rebooted the VM, and tried using:
vagrant ssh -- -A
...but I'm still getting prompted for a password when I try to do a git checkout. Any idea what I'm missing?
I had this working with the above replies on 1.4.3, but stopped working on 1.5. I now have to run
to work fully with 1.5.For now I add the following line to my ansible provisioning script.
- name: Make sure ssk keys are passed to guest. local_action: command ssh-add
I've also created a gist of my setup: https://gist.github.com/KyleJamesWalker/9538912
When we recently tried out the
plugin with Vagrant 1.1.5, we ran into an issue with SSH agent forwarding. It turned out that Vagrant was forcingIdentitiesOnly=yes
without an option to change it tono
. This forced Vagrant to only look at the private key we listed in theVagrantfile
for the AWS provider.I wrote up our experiences in a blog post. It may turn into a pull request at some point.
On Windows, the problem is that Vagrant doesn't know how to communicate with git-bash's ssh-agent. It does, however, know how to use PuTTY's Pageant. So, as long as Pageant is running and has loaded your SSH key, and as long as you've set config.ssh.forward_agent, this should work.
See this comment for details.
If you use Pageant, then the workaround of updating the Vagrantfile to copy SSH keys on Windows is no longer necessary.
The real problem is Vagrant using as default port-forward. You can add one (not 2222, 2222 is already occupied by default)
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 22, host:2333, host_ip: ""
"" is way take request from external connection. then ssh -p 2333 vagrant@ (change to your own host ip address, dud) will working just fine. Do thank me, Just call me Leifeng!
Make sure that the VM does not launch its own SSH agent. I had this line in my
After removing it, SSH agent forwarding worked.
In addition to adding "config.ssh.forward_agent = true" to the vagrant file make sure the host computer is set up for agent forwarding. Github provides a good guide for this. (Check out the troubleshooting section).