With ffmpeg I am providing a feed to ffserver from an image repeatedly read. I use the following instruction
ffmpeg -v debug -loop 1 -f image2 -i http://IP_ADDRESS/image.jpg -c:v libx264 http://FFSERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8090/feed.ffm
In this way I can get the stream from the server but I need to rotate the resulting stream.
I tried with the -vf transpose=1 option in this way
ffmpeg -v debug -loop 1 -f image2 -i http://IP_ADDRESS/image.jpg -c:v libx264 -vf transpose=1 http://FFSERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8090/feed.ffm
but nothing happens.
my ffserver.conf
HTTPPort 8090
RTSPPort 7654
MaxHTTPConnections 2000
MaxClients 1000
MaxBandwidth 1000
CustomLog -
<Feed feed.ffm>
File path_to_file/feed.ffm
FileMaxSize 10000K
ACL allow
<Stream test.h264>
Feed feed.ffm
Format rtp
I managed to solve a similar problem with this, with the most important bits being the "-c:v mjpeg" and "-override_ffserver".
And going to: http://localhost:8090/test
This ended up finally showing my webcam's video with the filters not being overridden by ffserver defaults, i.e:
I'm still messing with the resolution, but I hope this helps solve the filters problem for you.
You are not specifying a video size in the
stream configuration, so it uses a default value. Eg:ffserver.conf:15: Setting default value for video size = 160x128. Use NoDefaults to disable it.
For some reason it seems this reverts the transpose.
The solution is to add a
VideoSize WxH
using the frame size of the transposed image.