The following question is based upon the accepted answer of this question. The author of the accepted answer said that the streaming helper API in xml-conduit
was not updated for years (source: accepted answer of SO question), and he recommends the Cursor
Based on the solution of the first question, I wrote the following haskell code which uses the Cursor
interface of xml-conduit
import Text.XML as XML (readFile, def)
import Text.XML.Cursor (Cursor, ($/), (&/), ($//), (>=>),
fromDocument, element, content)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Filesystem.Path (FilePath)
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (fromText)
data Page = Page
{ title :: Text
} deriving (Show)
parse :: FilePath -> IO ()
parse path = do
doc <- XML.readFile def path
let cursor = fromDocument doc
let pages = cursor $// element "page" >=> parseTitle
writeFile "output.txt" ""
mapM_ ((appendFile "output.txt") . (\x -> x ++ "\n") . show) pages
parseTitle :: Cursor -> [Page]
parseTitle c = do
let titleText = c $/ element "title" &/ content
[Page (mconcat titleText)]
main :: IO ()
main = parse (fromText "input.xml")
This code works on small XML files. However, when the code is run on a 30G XML file, the execution is killed by the OS.
How can I make this code work on a very large XML file?
module requires that the entire contents be in memory, which seems to not be possible in this case. If you want to process files that large, you'll need to use the streaming interface.