i'm appending a text element to a svg via javascript. After appending i wanna set x and y coordinate, however, it returns me the wrong width of the text element when using it to calculate x.
Interesting: In Chrome, when actualize the page via F5 or button it returns wrong width, when pressing enter in the adress bar, the width is right - strange!
Here is the small code:
var capt = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "text");
// Set any attributes as desired
capt.setAttribute("fill", "rgb(19,128,183)");
var myText = document.createTextNode(this.options.captTxt);
capt.setAttribute("x", this.options.windowWidth-this.options.spacer-document.getElementById("capt").offsetWidth);
capt.setAttribute("y", this.options.captY+$('#capt').height());
OK, the problem seems to be that the browser doesn't calculate the correct width when using an other font. Not setting a font results in a correct width.
I solved the problem by setting the reference point ("alignment-point") to the upper right corner ot the text element by setting attributes:
capt.setAttribute("text-anchor", "end"); capt.setAttribute("alignment-baseline", "hanging");
This way i do not have to subtract the width and add the height of the element!
There is a bug:http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=140472
it just pre init some functions that calculates text width so you should call this function before(i'm sure that there is several extra lines that can be deleted):
$("svg") - Jquery selector