Since homestead 2.0 homestead laravel has not been working
I don't know why 'homestead init' creates a Homestead.yaml file in mydirectory/.homestead and not in the project directory. Homestead up OR Vagrant up create the following message
A VirtualBox machine with the name 'homestead' already exists.
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'laravel/homestead'...
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Checking if box 'laravel/homestead' is up to date...
A VirtualBox machine with the name 'homestead' already exists.
Please use another name or delete the machine with the existing
name, and try again.
Open VirtualBox GUI. See for your VM and remove it. It solved my problem.
If you want to keep keep your machine, without destroying and recreating following steps should solve your problem. (I work on OS X El Captain, Vagrant 1.8.1)
Run homestead in debug mode
Look for something like in the output:
Data dir, is the path which is interesting for you.
vboxmanage list vms
Edit id file, in the path which you found out in the previous command
Replace content of that file, with the id of the VM you want to fix, in this scenario it is
Now try
VM should start booting. It might work, or you might have issues with ssh authentication
To fix that do following Check Homestead SSH config
You should get something like
Edit IdentityFile file
Check Homestead.yml
Then copy path to the file under the key keys, and copy private key from that file
Last step is to replace private key in /Users/YOUR_HOME_DIR/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key with the one you just copied
Now try rung homestead again, should work.
I got some warnings, but so far it works without issues
If you're using homestead in Windows, just open up your Oracle VM VirtualBox and delete the
VM.You probably have a virtualbox running! Open the programme virtualbox and shut down the other virtualbox ;)
If this isn't working then you might want to delete the old homestead folder and place all your projects in the new folder ;)
None of this worked for me. I was using an old dev machine
I attempted:
vagrant global-status
> destroy any byid
which you don't need or match what is conflictingopen virtualbox and remove + delete files for any which you don't need or are conflicting
What worked:
locate your
folder. In my case, it contained the conflicting vm and also a bunch of old left over vm machines which steps 1 & 2 did not remove for some reason.after clearing these, everything worked fine again, finally!
I was receiving the same error message, even after running "homestead destory", and "vagrant destroy". Same as you, I was using the VirtualBox provider, vagrant, and homestead. Here's what I did:
~/VirtualBox\ VMs/homestead
, so i ranrm -r /Users/gabriel/VirtualBox\ VMs/homestead