C++ External function with pointer to function as

2019-07-13 10:20发布

Fairly new to C++. Suppose I have a class:

class A
    double m_x, m_y;
    A(double x, double y): m_x {x}
        m_y = extF(m_x, y, *intF);

    double intF(double x) { return 2*x; }

And it makes use of an external global function, defined elsewhere:

double extF(double x, double y, std::function<double(double)> f)
    if (x*y < 0)
        return f(x);
        return f(y);

Formulas are bogus. This does not compile. I tried simple intF, A::*intF, &A::intF, even some unorthodox combinations, but that's just guessing. The problem is that class A is not the only one which makes use of the global external function and it's something that should be able to be a user choice at runtime. Searches revealed some answers saying it's not possible to make a pointer to a member function like this because it needs instantiation(?), but I found no solutions. Can this be done? If yes, how?

Edit: Additional question: how can the pointer to member function be done if the member function is const double f(...) const?

2楼-- · 2019-07-13 11:02

You could use std::bind to bind the member function.

A(double x, double y): m_x {x}
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    m_y = extF(m_x, y, std::bind(&A::intF, this, _1));

Or use a lambda.

A(double x, double y): m_x {x}
    m_y = extF(m_x, y, [this](double d) { return intF(d); });

BTW: It works well with const member function too, which doesn't matter here.


3楼-- · 2019-07-13 11:10

One variant is just to use lambda:

class A
    double m_x, m_y;
    A(double x, double y): m_x {x}
         m_y = extF(m_x, y, [&](double d){ return intF(d);});

    double intF(double x) { return 2*x; }

Another variant is to use lambda and std::mem_fn (omitting the rest code of your class):

A(double x, double y): m_x {x}
    auto fn = std::mem_fn(&A::intF);
    m_y = extF(m_x, y, [&](double d) {return fn(this, d);});

And finally you may get rid of lambdas if you bind the object parameter of member function pointer:

A(double x, double y): m_x {x}
    auto fn1 = std::bind(std::mem_fn(&A::intF), this, std::placeholders::_1);
    m_y = extF(m_x, y, fn1);

All these also work with constant member functions.

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