Django has various numeric fields available for use in models, e.g. DecimalField and PositiveIntegerField. Although the former can be restricted to the number of decimal places stored and the overall number of characters stored, is there any way to restrict it to storing only numbers within a certain range, e.g. 0.0-5.0 ?
Failing that, is there any way to restrict a PositiveIntegerField to only store, for instance, numbers up to 50?
Update: now that Bug 6845 has been closed, this StackOverflow question may be moot. - sampablokuper
You could also create a custom model field type - see
In this case, you could 'inherit' from the built-in IntegerField and override its validation logic.
The more I think about this, I realize how useful this would be for many Django apps. Perhaps a IntegerRangeField type could be submitted as a patch for the Django devs to consider adding to trunk.
This is working for me:
Then in your model class, you would use it like this (field being the module where you put the above code):
OR for a range of negative and positive (like an oscillator range):
What would be really cool is if it could be called with the range operator like this:
But, that would require a lot more code since since you can specify a 'skip' parameter - range(1, 50, 2) - Interesting idea though...
You can use Django's built-in validators—
Edit: Although these only work when you're using the model in a ModelForm, not if you're using the model "on its own", sigh.
I had this very same problem; here was my solution:
There are two ways to do this. One is to use form validation to never let any number over 50 be entered by a user. Form validation docs.
If there is no user involved in the process, or you're not using a form to enter data, then you'll have to override the model's
method to throw an exception or limit the data going into the field.Here is the best solution if you want some extra flexibility and don't want to change your model field. Just add this custom validator:
And it can be used as such:
The two parameters are max and min, and it allows nulls. You can customize the validator if you like by getting rid of the marked if statement or change your field to be blank=False, null=False in the model. That will of course require a migration.
Note: I had to add the validator because Django does not validate the range on PositiveSmallIntegerField, instead it creates a smallint (in postgres) for this field and you get a DB error if the numeric specified is out of range.
Hope this helps :) More on Validators in Django.
PS. I based my answer on BaseValidator in django.core.validators, but everything is different except for the code.