I am using the leaflet htmlwidget implementation to draw a web-based map using R. I was looking for a specific marker, couldn't find it, and realized it wasn't being displayed at all. However, when I subset down my dataset to just that entry, the marker displays beautifully.
Here is a screenshot of the marker, with code having been run after subsetting the data to just this marker (using the simple line of R script thecounted <- thecounted[thecounted$age==6,]
Here is the same location when placing the whole dataset down as markers.
Does anyone know what is going on? Am I hitting some arbitrary limit on the number of markers that browsers/leaflet will lay down? This is not a glitch specific to this entry as plenty of other markers are not showing either...
Here is the entirety of my code.
#download needed packages you don't have
wants <- c("magrittr", "leaflet", "jsonlite", "curl")
has <- wants %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if(any(!has)) install.packages(wants[!has])
#pull data from json file embedded in the Guardian's The Counted website: http://www.theguardian.com/thecounted
thecounted <- fromJSON("https://interactive.guim.co.uk/2015/the-counted/v/1455138961531/files/skeleton.json")
#Color-code for whether the victim was armed
# Red = Unarmed
unarmedC <-"#ff0000"
# Teal = armed
armedC <- "#008080"
# Black = Don't know or ambiguous category like "Non-lethal firearm" or "vehicle"
idkC <- "#000000"
pal <- colorFactor(c(idkC, rep(armedC,2), unarmedC, rep(idkC,4)), domain= c("Disputed",
"Non-lethal firearm",
# automatically set date range for pulled data
today <- Sys.Date()
today <- format(today, format="%b %d %Y")
dateRange <- paste0("(Jan 01 2015"," - ", today,")")
#Use the leaflet htmlwidget to create an interactive online visualization of data
leaflet(data = thecounted) %>% #data from the counted
#add default open source map tiles from OpenStreetMap
addTiles() %>%
#fit bounds around the USA
fitBounds(-125,25, -67,49) %>%
#add a map legend
title=paste(sep="<br/>","People killed by police",dateRange),
position = 'bottomright',
colors = c(unarmedC,armedC, idkC),
labels = c("Unarmed", "Armed", "Unknown / non-lethal / vehicle / other")) %>%
#dynamically add markers for people who were killed
addCircleMarkers(~long, ~lat, stroke=FALSE,
color = ~pal(armed), #color defined above
fillOpacity = ifelse(thecounted$armed=="No",0.75,0.35), #make unarmed dots more visible
#create pop-up windows with some information for each marker
popup = ~ paste(name, "<br/>",
#include race if available
ifelse(race == "B", "Black",
ifelse(race == "W" , "White",
ifelse(race =="H", "Hispanic",
ifelse(race == "A", "Asian",
ifelse(race == "N", "Native American",
ifelse(race == "U", "Race unknown", "")))))),"<br/>",
#tell us whether they were unarmed or if unknown, else leave blank
#because the categories for being armed are convoluted
ifelse(armed=="No", "Unarmed<br/>",
ifelse(armed=="Unknown", "Unknown if armed<br/>",
ifelse(armed=="Vehicle", "Armed with 'vehicle'<br/>",
ifelse(armed=="Knife", "Had a knife<br/>",
ifelse(armed=="Disputed", "Disputed if armed<br/>", ""))))),
#include cause of death
ifelse(classification == "Gunshot", "Killed by gunshot",
ifelse(classification == "Death in custody", "Died in custody",
ifelse(classification == "Other", "",
ifelse(classification == "Taser", "Killed by taser",
ifelse(classification == "Struck by vehicle", "Struck by vehicle", ""))))))
Missing points in leaflet is usually caused by
data, where leaflet doesn't plot anything after the row with theNA
in it.Remove this guy and you're laughing