I have a query where I use an array with an "IN" style setup.
var builder = Builders<Transaction>.Filter;
var filter = builder.Eq("App", app)
& builder.In("TransactionId", incomingIds);
List<string> existingTransactions = collection
.Project(x => x.TransactionId)
A while back this started to throw the error below and I had reduce my batch-size significantly to avoid the error.
Command delete failed: Errors encountered exception while executing function.
Error while querying documents Code: SC3020 The SQL query text exceeded the maximum limit of 30720 characters.
Was this limitation a "feature" added by Microsoft at some point?
I can't seem to find any info except this feedback suggestion: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/263030-azure-cosmos-db/suggestions/32665819-increase-query-maximum-character-limit-for-cosmo-m