I want to write a bottom up fibonacci using O(1) space. My problem is python's recursion stack is limiting me from testing large numbers. Could someone provide an alternate or optimization to what I have? This is my code:
def fib_in_place(n):
def fibo(f2, f1, i):
if i < 1:
return f2
return fibo(f1, f2+f1, i -1)
return fibo(0, 1, n)
Why use iteration at all?
The algebraic result is exact; the round operation is only to allow for digital representation inaccuracy.
Tail-recursive definitions are easily turned into iterative definitions. If necessary, flip the condition so that the tail-recursive call is in the 'if' branch.
Then turn 'if' into 'while', replace return with unpacking assignment of the new arguments, and (optionally) drop 'else'.
With iteration, you do not need the nested definition.
Local names 'new' and 'old' refer to Fibonacci's use of biological reproduction to motivate the sequence. However, the story works better with yeast cells instead of rabbits. Old, mature yeast cells reproduce by budding off new, immature cells. (The original source of the function in India appears to be Virahanka counting the number a ways to make a Sanskrit poetic line with n beats from an ordered sequence of 1- and 2-beat syllables.)
You can memoize the Fibonacci function for efficiency, but if you require a recursive function, it's still going to take at least O(n):
This is from my answer on the main Fibonacci in Python question: How to write the Fibonacci Sequence in Python
If you're allowed to use iteration instead of recursion, you should do this:
If you just want to get the nth number:
and usage
Using recursion this way means you're using O(N) space, not O(1) - the O(N) is in the stack.
Why use recursion at all?