I connect to MQTT this way:
const mqtt = require('mqtt');
var options = {
//needed options
var client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://someURL', options);
client.on('connect', () => {
console.log('Connected to MQTT server');
I want to export the client object this way:
module.exports = client;
So that I can import it in other files and make use of it this way:
const client = require('./mqtt');
However, we all know that this will not work! How can I achieve this ?
I tried promise and get a very strange behavior. When I use the promise in the same file (mqtt.js) like the code below, everything is OK:
const mqtt = require('mqtt');
var mqttPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var options = {
//needed options
var client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://someURL', options);
client.on('connect', () => {
client.subscribe('#', (err) => {
if (!err) {
console.log('Connected to MQTT server');
} else {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
mqttPromise.then(function (client) {
//do sth with client
}, function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
But when I export the promise and use it in another file, like this:
//same code to create the promise
module.exports = mqttPromise;
const mqttPromise = require('./mqtt');
mqttPromise.then(function (client) {
//do sth with client
}, function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
I get this error:
TypeError: mqttPromise.then is not a function
You can probably achieve your goal creating 2 files, one for handling mqtt methods and another to manage the connection object.
Here's the file for the mqtt handler:
Now lets use the exported module to create a mqtt client connection on another file:
With this exported module you can now call your client connection object and use the methods created in the mqttHandler.js file in another file :
Although there may be a better method to perform your task, this one worked pretty well for me...
Hope it helps!