How do I query wikidata for a list of scientists that died in a prime-numbered year, and also were born in a prime-numbered year, using SPARQL? Here is what I have so far, which returns no results, and I'm assuming that's because people don't die in a number, but rather in a year... Also missing is the UNION statement for those born in a prime-numbered year, but we can omit that for the sake of focus.
SELECT ?number ?scientist ?scientistLabel
?number wdt:P31 wd:Q49008.
?scientist wdt:P106 wd:Q901.
?scientist wdt:P570 ?number
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language " [AUTO_LANGUAGE].en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?number)
Here is the URL for this query entered into the Query Service: