I have a master file (File1.txt
) where some names are maintained in the contents. I have to find all the files which has those kind of names (wild cards) in a folder and move them to a different folder using batch file program.
Eg : File1.txt
has contents
now in the folder say c:\temp\Source
i have files like
I have to move only those 2 files to a folder say c:\temp\Target.
Here's my code, but it gives error saying i*.* is unexpected at this time. Can you please help .
@Echo Off
title Test move files
set dir1=C:\temp\Source
dir %dir1%
Echo Directory Changed
FOR /f "eol=; delims=, " %i in (file1.txt) do move /y "*%i*.*" Target
Here you go....
This is what the directory structure is when I start...
This is the run.bat that I will run later .. includes the bug fixes...
Now I run the batch file ...
Now this is the final directory structure ... so you can see that it is working ...
Here is the for loop you need...
Hope this helps.