status bar is overlapping with the view How do I set the view below the status bar in iOS7 I'm using XIB not a storyboard
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Try this
You need add the above in your
method.Try this:
If you want to disable the status bar from plist, try this:
this is necessary for iOS 7, works for me. Set these two tags in your info.plist.
Everytime your viewcontroller appears, in viewDidLoad or when image picker controller finishes , use this:
In iOS 7.0, UI statusbar is transparent, To accommodate the changes in the app as with the status bar style you can use:
for Status bar to be dark while for light content use
If facing trouble with background image of View in app where the image is extending itself behind the status bar. Set the image in nib or programmatically(whichever suits you) explicitly with the dimensions on Image.
For More References on UI Changes refer this Guide by Apple.
I used following code for solve the problem.