How to use threading in Python?

2018-12-31 00:20发布

I am trying to understand threading in Python. I've looked at the documentation and examples, but quite frankly, many examples are overly sophisticated and I'm having trouble understanding them.

How do you clearly show tasks being divided for multi-threading?

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:12

For me, the perfect example for Threading is monitoring Asynchronous events. Look at this code.

import threading
import time 

class Monitor(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, mon):
        self.mon = mon

    def run(self):
        while True:
            if self.mon[0] == 2:
                print "Mon = 2"
                self.mon[0] = 3;

You can play with this code by opening an IPython session and doing something like:

>>>from thread_test import Monitor
>>>a = [0]
>>>mon = Monitor(a)
>>>a[0] = 2
Mon = 2
>>>a[0] = 2
Mon = 2

Wait a few minutes

>>>a[0] = 2
Mon = 2
3楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:12

None of the above solutions actually used multiple cores on my GNU/Linux server (where I don't have admin rights). They just ran on a single core. I used the lower level os.fork interface to spawn multiple processes. This is the code that worked for me:

from os import fork

values = ['different', 'values', 'for', 'threads']

for i in range(len(values)):
    p = fork()
    if p == 0:
4楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:13

Since this question was asked in 2010, there has been real simplification in how to do simple multithreading with python with map and pool.

The code below comes from an article/blog post that you should definitely check out (no affiliation) - Parallelism in one line: A Better Model for Day to Day Threading Tasks. I'll summarize below - it ends up being just a few lines of code:

from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool 
pool = ThreadPool(4) 
results =, my_array)

Which is the multithreaded version of:

results = []
for item in my_array:


Map is a cool little function, and the key to easily injecting parallelism into your Python code. For those unfamiliar, map is something lifted from functional languages like Lisp. It is a function which maps another function over a sequence.

Map handles the iteration over the sequence for us, applies the function, and stores all of the results in a handy list at the end.

enter image description here


Parallel versions of the map function are provided by two libraries:multiprocessing, and also its little known, but equally fantastic step child:multiprocessing.dummy.

multiprocessing.dummy is exactly the same as multiprocessing module, but uses threads instead (an important distinction - use multiple processes for CPU-intensive tasks; threads for (and during) IO):

multiprocessing.dummy replicates the API of multiprocessing but is no more than a wrapper around the threading module.

import urllib2 
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool 

urls = [

# make the Pool of workers
pool = ThreadPool(4) 

# open the urls in their own threads
# and return the results
results =, urls)

# close the pool and wait for the work to finish 

And the timing results:

Single thread:   14.4 seconds
       4 Pool:   3.1 seconds
       8 Pool:   1.4 seconds
      13 Pool:   1.3 seconds

Passing multiple arguments (works like this only in Python 3.3 and later):

To pass multiple arrays:

results = pool.starmap(function, zip(list_a, list_b))

or to pass a constant and an array:

results = pool.starmap(function, zip(itertools.repeat(constant), list_a))

If you are using an earlier version of Python, you can pass multiple arguments via this workaround.

(Thanks to user136036 for the helpful comment)

5楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:18

I found this very useful: create as many threads as cores and let them execute a (large) number of tasks (in this case, calling a shell program):

import Queue
import threading
import multiprocessing
import subprocess

q = Queue.Queue()
for i in range(30): #put 30 tasks in the queue

def worker():
    while True:
        item = q.get()
        #execute a task: call a shell program and wait until it completes"echo "+str(item), shell=True) 

cpus=multiprocessing.cpu_count() #detect number of cores
print("Creating %d threads" % cpus)
for i in range(cpus):
     t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
     t.daemon = True

q.join() #block until all tasks are done
6楼-- · 2018-12-31 01:20

NOTE: For actual parallelization in Python, you should use the multiprocessing module to fork multiple processes that execute in parallel (due to the global interpreter lock, Python threads provide interleaving but are in fact executed serially, not in parallel, and are only useful when interleaving I/O operations).

However, if you are merely looking for interleaving (or are doing I/O operations that can be parallelized despite the global interpreter lock), then the threading module is the place to start. As a really simple example, let's consider the problem of summing a large range by summing subranges in parallel:

import threading

class SummingThread(threading.Thread):
     def __init__(self,low,high):
         super(SummingThread, self).__init__()

     def run(self):
         for i in range(self.low,self.high):

thread1 = SummingThread(0,500000)
thread2 = SummingThread(500000,1000000)
thread1.start() # This actually causes the thread to run
thread1.join()  # This waits until the thread has completed
# At this point, both threads have completed
result = +
print result

Note that the above is a very stupid example, as it does absolutely no I/O and will be executed serially albeit interleaved (with the added overhead of context switching) in CPython due to the global interpreter lock.

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