Every time I try to compile and run a tutorial that I have found, I get a message saying either "Could not find module GL" or "Could not find module GLUT." I have tried replacing "import GLUT" with "import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL" and "import Graphics.UI.GLUT", but this just causes even more errors. Should "import GLUT" do something, or is it just pseudo code that I'm misinterpreting?
- Is GLFW designed to use without LWJGL (in java)?
- glDrawElements only draws half a quad
- How to reimport module with ES6 import
- Understanding do notation for simple Reader monad:
- Making Custom Instances of PersistBackend
- Is it possible to write pattern-matched functions
- Haskell underscore vs. explicit variable
- Top-level expression evaluation at compile time
- Stuck in the State Monad
- Converting glm::lookat matrix to quaternion and ba
- Behavior of uniforms after glUseProgram() and spee
- foldr vs foldr1 usage in Haskell
- Keep constant number of visible circles in 3D anim
are both needed to run an OpenGL application. This isn't C where importing one will import the other.So, you need to import the libraries like this:
The following code will then create a simple OpenGL window that simply flushes the command buffer on each render, to check if the program works:
Compile the program with:
If this doesn't succeed, it means that you didn't install the Haskell Platform correctly, and you need to check that the OpenGL packages are correctly installed.