I'm getting this error when I try to upload using paperclip with my rails blogging app. Not sure what it is referring to when it says "MissingRequiredValidatorError" I thought that by updating post_params and giving it :image it would be fine, as both create and update use post_params
Paperclip::Errors::MissingRequiredValidatorError in PostsController#create
Extracted source (around line #30):
def create
@post = Post.new(post_params)
This is my posts_controller.rb
def update
@post = Post.find(params[:id])
if @post.update(post_params)
redirect_to action: :show, id: @post.id
render 'edit'
def new
@post = Post.new
def create
@post = Post.new(post_params)
if @post.save
redirect_to action: :show, id: @post.id
render 'new'
def post_params
params.require(:post).permit(:title, :text, :image)
and this is my posts helper
module PostsHelper
def post_params
params.require(:post).permit(:title, :body, :tag_list, :image)
Please let me know if I can supplement extra material to help you help me.
Make sure your post model looks like this...
Starting with
Paperclip version 4.0
, all attachments are required to include a content_type validation, a file_name validation, or to explicitly state that they're not going to have either.Paperclip raises
error if you do not do any of this.In your case, you can add any of the following line to your
model, after specifyinghas_attached_file :image
Option 1: Validate content type
-OR- another way
-OR- yet another way
is to use regex for validating content type.
For example: To validate all image formats, regex expression can be specified as shown in
@LucasCaton's answer
Option 2: Validate filename
Option 3: Do not validate
If for some crazy reason (can be valid but I cannot think of one right now), you do not wish to add any
validation and allow people to spoof Content-Types and receive data you weren't expecting onto your server then add the following:Note:
Specify the MIME types as per your requirement within
options above. I have just given a few image MIME types for you to start with.Reference:
Refer to Paperclip: Security Validations, if you still need to verify. :)
You might also have to deal with the spoofing validation explained here https://stackoverflow.com/a/23846121
I couldn't get any of these solutions to work either. I tried Paperclip 3.1, but couldn't then my app kept telling me my image file extensions weren't approved, even though they were jpg.
I finally found success with version 3.5.1.
Just put in your model:
Need to add validates_attachment_content_type in Model
Rails 3
Rails 4