I have several EditTexts in my Activty and I want my users to give inputs correctly before submitting the form. How can I do It? I have also spinners and RadioGroup Button.
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Apply validation for editText and all your other components in button.setOnClickListner
if all the validation satisfy then do further process.
like for edittext validation
You can add Validation on submit button click:
On Submit button Click:
Output will be like this. Photo Credit.
Hope this helps.
I get your point, you can use TextInputLayout instead of EditText
define your
layout:then you can use helper method inside your button click listener to validate the input data of all your editText
don't forget to add the design support library dependency
see this example: Creating a Login Screen Using TextInputLayout
it will be something like that if the user enter invalid data it will show this warning in red lines![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/VP4oS.png)
Try this: code
on the Editext