I have an app with a navigation bar consisting of 2 bar buttons. I would like to hide and show this navigation bar when a user double taps the screen.
Initially, the navigation bar should be hidden. When a user double taps the screen, the navigation bar should come up with an animation, like what can be seen in the iPhone's photo gallery.
How can i do something this? Suggestions are always appreciated.
In Swift try this,
To hide Navigation bar :
To show Navigation bar :
SWIFT CODE: This works fully for iOS 3.2 and later.
then write
Here is a very quick and simple solution:
This will work on single tap instead of double tap. Also it will change the behavior for the navigation controller even after pushing or popping the current view controller.
You can always modify this behavior in your controller within the viewWillAppear: and viewWillDisappear: actions if you would like to set the behavior only for a single view controller.
Here is the documentation:
on UINavigationController property come out to handle just this with iOS8 SDKhttps://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UINavigationController_Class/#//apple_ref/occ/instp/UINavigationController/hidesBarsOnTap
First read the the section in the View Controller Programming Guide for iOS about 'Adopting a Full-Screen Layout for Navigation Views' and the section about the same for Custom Views. If you are trying to do something like the Photos.app then you are probably using a scroll view. Note the comment that Navigation bars automatically add a scroll content inset to your scroll view to account for the height of the navigation bar (and status bar) so you have to reset the contentInset property of your scroll view back to zero (UIEdgeInsetsZero) right after setting up the initial state of the navigationBar and before the view appears.
Then if you have a single tap that toggles the navigationBar and/or status bar to show or hide, you need to do two things in you toggling method. The first seems to be to save the scroll view's contentOffset property before changing the NavigationBar hidden property and restore your saved value to contentOffset right afterward. And second to again zero out the contentInset property to UIEdgeInsetsZero after changing the navigationBarHidden property. Also, if you are toggling the status bar, you need to change its state before you change the navigationBar's state.