I know this is not a big issue, but it tickles me anyway.
- I have a SQL Server 2005 script to create new data tables, constraints, altering some tables to add columns, altering procedures to take the table changes into account, etc.
- Everything runs fine until the script encounters my ALTER PROCEDURE statements.
- The error message is as follows:
"Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure cpromo_Get_ConsultDetails_PromotionBan, Line 59 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PROCEDURE'.
Here's a sample of my script:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[cpromo_Get_ConsultDetails_PromotionBan]
@idPromoBan int,
@uid int
set nocount on;
/* 1- detail de la promo */
SELECT p.[nopromo], p.[StartDate], p.[EndDate], p.[DateText]
FROM [cpromo_PromotionBanniere] as pb
INNER JOIN [cpromo_Promotions] as p ON p.[idPromo] = pb.[idPromo]
WHERE (pb.[idPromoBan] = @idPromoBan)
/* 2 - cartes de la promo */
SELECT pis.[idCardText], ct.[nom], ct.[descr], ct.[prix], ct.[prixCoupon], ct.[qtyItem], i.[Impact]
FROM [cpromo_PromotionsItems] as pis
INNER JOIN [cpromo_Impacts] as i ON i.[idImpact] = pis.[idImpact]
INNER JOIN [cpromo_CardText] as ct ON ct.[idCardText] = pis.[idCardText]
WHERE (pis.[idPromoBan] = @idPromoBan)
ORDER BY i.[iorder], ct.[nom];
/* 3 - pvedettes opti */
SELECT m.[idCardText], m.[qtyCardL], m.[qtyCardM], m.[qtyCardMG], m.[qtyCardS],
ISNULL(m.[qtyCardMini], 0) as qtyCardMini,
ISNULL(m.[qtyCardMiniPTJ], 0) as qtyCardMiniPTJ
FROM [cpromo_MEMCards] as m
INNER JOIN [cpromo_CardText] as ct ON ct.[idCardText] = m.[idCardText]
WHERE (m.[idPromoBan] = @idPromoBan)
ORDER BY ct.[nom];
/* 4 - cart */
SELECT [idCartEl], [idCardText], [qtyL], [qtyM], [qtyMG], [qtyS],
ISNULL([qtyMini], 0) as qtyMini,
ISNULL([qtyMiniPTJ], 0) as qtyMiniPTJ
FROM [cpromo_UserCarts]
WHERE ([uid] = @uid AND [idPromoBan] = @idPromoBan);
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[cpromo_Get_CartItems_ByPromotionBan]
@uid int,
@idPromoBan int
set nocount on;
SELECT ct.nom, ct.descr, p.DateText, ct.prix, ct.prixCoupon, ct.qtyItem,
uc.qtyL, uc.qtyM, uc.qtyMG, uc.qtyS,
isnull(uc.qtyMini, 0) as qtyMini,
isnull(uc.qtyMiniPTJ, 0) as qtyMiniPTJ, 3 as qteLimite
FROM cpromo_UserCarts as uc
INNER JOIN cpromo_CardText as ct ON ct.idCardText = uc.idCardText
INNER JOIN cpromo_PromotionBanniere as pb ON pb.idPromoBan = uc.idPromoBan
INNER JOIN cpromo_Promotions as p ON p.idPromo = pb.idPromo
WHERE (uc.uid = @uid) AND (uc.idPromoBan = @idPromoBan);
The error points toward the first 'end' keyword encountered when double-clicked. What I don't get at all is when selecting one ALTER statement after another, it runs just fine and smooth! When I try to run them all by pressing [F5] with no selection, it gives me the error.
I tried to embed the ALTER statements into another BEGIN...END, but no luck, it says that there's a syntax error near the keyword ALTER...
EDIT: Can it be because I comment the modifications performed after the begin statement?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[cpromo_Get_ConsultDetails_PromotionBan]
@idPromoBan int,
@uid int
-- Added column to take table changes into account blah blah blah...
set nocount on;
/* 1- detail de la promo */
SELECT p.[nopromo], p.[StartDate], p.[EndDate], p.[DateText]
FROM [cpromo_PromotionBanniere] as pb
INNER JOIN [cpromo_Promotions] as p ON p.[idPromo] = pb.[idPromo]
WHERE (pb.[idPromoBan] = @idPromoBan)
/* 2 - cartes de la promo */
SELECT pis.[idCardText], ct.[nom], ct.[descr], ct.[prix], ct.[prixCoupon], ct.[qtyItem], i.[Impact]
FROM [cpromo_PromotionsItems] as pis
INNER JOIN [cpromo_Impacts] as i ON i.[idImpact] = pis.[idImpact]
INNER JOIN [cpromo_CardText] as ct ON ct.[idCardText] = pis.[idCardText]
WHERE (pis.[idPromoBan] = @idPromoBan)
ORDER BY i.[iorder], ct.[nom];
/* 3 - pvedettes opti */
SELECT m.[idCardText], m.[qtyCardL], m.[qtyCardM], m.[qtyCardMG], m.[qtyCardS],
ISNULL(m.[qtyCardMini], 0) as qtyCardMini,
ISNULL(m.[qtyCardMiniPTJ], 0) as qtyCardMiniPTJ
FROM [cpromo_MEMCards] as m
INNER JOIN [cpromo_CardText] as ct ON ct.[idCardText] = m.[idCardText]
WHERE (m.[idPromoBan] = @idPromoBan)
ORDER BY ct.[nom];
/* 4 - cart */
SELECT [idCartEl], [idCardText], [qtyL], [qtyM], [qtyMG], [qtyS],
ISNULL([qtyMini], 0) as qtyMini,
ISNULL([qtyMiniPTJ], 0) as qtyMiniPTJ
FROM [cpromo_UserCarts]
WHERE ([uid] = @uid AND [idPromoBan] = @idPromoBan);
Thank's for any help or any cue.
Put a GO after your first ALTER PROCEDURE BEGIN ... END
This answer is not mine as it is the result of all the answers I have gotten. Each answer has a part of the solution, so I wanted to put an answer with all the points to the solution.
Hope this will help someone someday.
Thanks to everyone, credits go to all of you!
I agree with the go statements - but maybe the parentheses around your parameters are causing the syntax errors? Here's what my team uses...
Add a
statement after everyend
procedure statement.go
"Signals the end of a batch of Transact-SQL statements to the SQL Server utilities." (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188037.aspx).You may have some invisible characters (nbspace for example) in white space area between first and second procedure. Remove everything between end and subsequent alter (including newlines - resulting in endALTER), then put some line breaks back and write GO on some line.
I've seen that personally, after copying some sample code from net :)
insert "go" between alter statemnts