How to Add Nuget package dlls to Wix installer. I tried with adding
<?define SourceDirectory = $(var.SolutionDir)\ProjectName\bin\Release" ?>
<Component Id="cmpId1" Guid="BF985D52-BA8C-4E4F-84CC-B5A95520FBD4">
<File Id="fileId1" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.SourceDirectory)\Unity.Abstractions.dll" />
But not working.
Please guide me how to add nuget package dll to wix installer.
Thanks, Naveen
make a new project (library) that is empty and install the nuget-package in this new project. in your setup you collect the buildoutput of that new project that has the nuget-package installed.
NugetCollectorProject is the new project. Your Setup must have a reference to that project to use that var.projectname.targetdir