I'm working on a Universal Windows Platform-application for desktop platforms. How can I disable/remove the maximise-button from a <page>
or <application>
in Windows 10?
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There could be another workaround for this : Although you cannot disable the AppTitle bar but you can try entering your view to full view so that it covers up the Title bar and then you can add a custom title bar if you need to customize the functionality.
We can hide the maximize and minimize buttons by the ResizeMode property in our .xaml like this
Resize mode will allow any of the four values for the Window element in the form.
You cannot. I didn't see any option to disable these buttons. You can only change their colors.
If the objective of removing the Maximize/Minimize button is to run the app in Kiosk mode then you can see something like https://technet.microsoft.com/itpro/windows/manage/set-up-a-kiosk-for-windows-10-for-desktop-editions
However, you cannot remove these things programatically