I'm getting strange additional symbols (=) in text property when adding text there via POST.
For example:
The team is back with an unstoppable fury as they are being chased by the p= olice, Alonzo and Yuuma. Vinnie, Shorty and Kiro=92s skills will be put to = the test.
There shouldn't be any of = symbols in that text.
My co de is:
class FileUploadHandler(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler):
def post(self):
game_file = self.get_uploads()[1]
screen_file = self.get_uploads()[0]
if not users.get_current_user():
game = Game()
game.title = self.request.get('title')
game.url_name = self.request.get('url')
if self.request.get('active') == 'active':
game.active = True
game.active = False
if self.request.get('featured') == 'featured':
game.featured = True
game.featured = False
query = Category.gql("WHERE url_name = :url_name", url_name=self.request.get('category'))
game.category = query.get()
game.width = int(self.request.get('width'))
game.height = int(self.request.get('height'))
game.description = db.Text(self.request.get('desc'))
game.how_to_play = db.Text(self.request.get('htp'))
game.game_file = game_file
game.game_screenshot = screen_file
What am i doing wrong?
I had the same difficulty. But, I found a fix. I'm using Python 2.5. In my model, I have a TextProperty, hooked up to an html TextArea tag. Like your situation, in the Dev server, it saved what I entered. However, in Prod, the DataStore somehow added "= " among others, every time I write the content of textarea over to the textproperty field.
Go here: http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=2749
Then, scroll down to Comment 21. The poster of that comment attached a file, named
Download it, and put it on the root folder of your app. Then Deploy it to Prod and try it out in Prod.I did that, and my "= " problem went away.
This is a known issue of
blobstore handler
that is breaking the data encoding.