How would I print something to the result screen in JsFiddle from my JavaScript. I can't use document.write()
, it doesn't allow it, neither print
What should I use?
How would I print something to the result screen in JsFiddle from my JavaScript. I can't use document.write()
, it doesn't allow it, neither print
What should I use?
document.body.innerHTML = "Your data";
Just to add something that might be useful to some folks....
If you add the debugger console as shown above, you can access the scope by executing this:
scope = angular.element(document.querySelector('[ng-controller=MyCtrl]')).scope();
I find inspecting the scope directly easier than console.log, alert(), etc.
Here's one alternative:
I have a template for this purpose; here is the code I use:
Sample use (JavaScript)
Now jsfiddle can do it from the scratch. Just go to Javascrpt --> Frameworks & extensions --> Jquery(edge) and check Firebug lite checkbox
If you're using JSfiddle, you can use this library:
Add a rawgit of the lib to your jsfiddle resources:
Then you can just add this in the HTML:
<pre class="console"></pre>
Initialize the console in your JS:
ConsoleJS.init({selector: "pre.console"});
Usage Example: See it on jsfiddle