I'm trying to use @Query over QueryDSL's Overrided method, but when i'm doing that, it is ignoring my predicate which i'm providing e.g. http://localhost:8080/orders?state=Texas
The reason i need @Query is to apply security based on authentication principal e.g.
@Query("select o from Orders o where ?#{principal.username} = o.username")
Complete code of repository:
public interface OrderRepository extends JpaRepository<Order, Integer>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<Order>{
@Query("select o from Orders o where ?#{principal.username} = o.username")
Page<Order> findAll(Predicate predicate, Pageable pageable);
For anyone who also wants to embed some custom predicate in QueryDSL should look it once: https://github.com/yeldarxman/QueryDslPredicateModifier
With QueryDSL predicates you can create a class for create the query, using query builder
Like this:
But if you want to extrat a list of Order by principal, you can create an ad-hoc query
First: Delete the override
Second: Define a query with an intuitive name
Third: use a parameter query
You have to make up your mind if you want a method implemented based on a provided query or based on a QueryDSL predicate. Spring Data doesn't combine them (as you found out).
In this case, I assume you have a good reason to use QueryDSL, therefore you should just add the principal based constraint to that predicate.
This article shows how to access the principal which you can use wherever you are constructing your Querydsl predicate.