I'm pretty new to using Alamofire, and I am banging my head against the wall with this request. I'm using GIDSignIn, and successfully get a token and refresh token for the user, with the scope ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.readonly"].
I'm trying to complete this request, as shown as an example on the site. The site says to ignore using client_secret
for iOS, which I do.
POST /oauth2/v4/token HTTP/1.1
Host: www.googleapis.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Below is how I've implemented it with Alamofire. My client_id
is the value from the CLIENT_ID key in the GoogleService-Info.Plist, a string ending in .apps.googleusercontent.com. The refresh_token
also seems to have the right format from other examples I've seen online.
let endpoint = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token"
let parameters = [
"client_id" : client_id,
"refresh_token" : refresh_token,
"grant_type" : "refresh_token"
Alamofire.request(endpoint, method: .post,
parameters: parameters,
encoding: JSONEncoding.default)
.responseJSON { (data) in
print("data: \(data)")
let json = JSON(data.result)
The data response is
data: SUCCESS: {
error = "unsupported_grant_type";
"error_description" = "Invalid grant_type: ";
Not terribly successful. Do I need to configure my request differently, or get appropriate access / permission to get the token? Thank you so much!
@BikeshThakur helped me figure it out! The URLEncoding.httpBody did the trick! I don't need any headers either.
i have tired in my code like this way , you also need to check sometime encoding type URLEncoding.httpBody hope it may help