In my code, I'm expanding treeNode in left frame that is selected through navigation links present in right frame. It works but everytime I click the link on right frame, I have to refresh the right frame manually. I tried to reload the page from backing bean using javascript code but it's not working. Can anyone please help me to figure out why it's not getting executed.
Thanks in advance for helping me out.
Below is the code I'm using.
public void expandTreeView( TreeNode selectedNode )
if ( selectedNode != null )
selectedNode.getParent().setExpanded( true );
RequestContext rc = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
You need to combine a JS Function with remoteCommand, it will look like this :
Also add a JS function
and finally combine it with a
it allows you to call a managedBean method from your JS functionYou can see Primefaces remoteCommand Example or simply look to this SO post Invoking a p:remoteCommand via a JavaScript function passing a message local to that function to another function through the “oncomplete” handler
Hope that helped you.