I already had everything working yesterday. And today, after I restarted the environment, one of the services that I am trying to inject, is now always null
Here is my top level component (app.component.ts):
selector: 'priz-app',
moduleId: module.id,
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, SecureRouterOutlet],
providers: [ROUTER_PROVIDERS, AuthenticationService]
The template of that component contains:
<secure-outlet signin="Login" unauthorized="AccessDenied"></secure-outlet>
Where the secure-outlet
implementation is as follows:
selector: 'secure-outlet'
export class SecureRouterOutlet extends RouterOutlet {
signin: string;
nameAttr: string;
constructor(_elementRef: ElementRef, _loader: DynamicComponentLoader,
private parentRouter: Router,
private authService: AuthenticationService,
public injector: Injector) {
super(_elementRef, _loader, parentRouter, null);
In the constructor, as well as anywhere else in the directive, authService
is always null
. I tried, defining providers with AuthenticationService
inside the directive, in the main component, even in the bootstrap, nothing works.
What am I missing?
Don't add
to components, only tobootstrap()
Try providing the same parameters as the original
class and add your own dependencies behind them. Not sure if this helps though but I think it was mentioned not too long ago that there is a weird issue: