I am writing an exchange system in Java, but I seem to have run into a crippling performance issue.
The following code is where execution becomes VERY slow:
for(ArrayList<Offer> listSell : sellOffers.values()) {
for(Offer sellOffer : listSell) {
ArrayList<Offer> listBuy = buyOffers.get(getStorageHash(sellOffer));
if(listBuy == null)
continue outer;
for(int i = 0; i < listBuy.size(); i++) {
Offer buyOffer = listBuy.get(i);
//todo - handle exchange
After looking deeper into this, I found that the following line seems to be the issue:
Offer buyOffer = listBuy.get(i);
If I change this line to the following, it will no longer cripple execution time:
Object buyOffer = listBuy.get(i);
Therefore, when casting on the object from listBuy there is a major delay in execution. Is there any work around for this? I'm stumped.
Thanks in advance!
You measure it wrong.
When you write
Object buyOffer = listBuy.get(i);
the inner loop has no side effects, and JIT compiler eliminates the loop completely.With
Offer buyOffer
JIT is not allowed to remove the loop, because every list access now has a possible side effect of throwingClassCastException
.Type check is a fast operation, I doubt that it is a bottleneck in your application. Most likely the algorithm itself is suboptimal since it has a cubic complexity.