I have a vector of JSONs (of the same structure) and transform it to a data.frame. Following example does exactly what I want.
require(jsonlite) # fromJSON()
require(magrittr) # for the pipeline only
require(data.table) # rbindlist()
jsons <- c('{"num":1,"char":"a","list":{"x":1,"y":2}}',
df <- jsons %>%
lapply(fromJSON) %>%
lapply(as.data.frame.list, stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
rbindlist(fill = T)
Some elements of the JSON are objects, i.e. if I transform it fromJSON()
some elements of the list will be lists as well. I cannot use unlist()
to each list because I have different variable types so I am using as.data.frame.list()
function. This is however too slow to do for each JSON individually. Is there a way how can I do it more effectively?
json <- '{"$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#","title":"Product set","type":"array","items":{"title":"Product","type":"object","properties":{"id":{"description":"The unique identifier for a product","type":"number"},"name":{"type":"string"},"price":{"type":"number","minimum":0,"exclusiveMinimum":true},"tags":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"minItems":1,"uniqueItems":true},"dimensions":{"type":"object","properties":{"length":{"type":"number"},"width":{"type":"number"},"height":{"type":"number"}},"required":["length","width","height"]},"warehouseLocation":{"description":"Coordinates of the warehouse with the product","$ref":"http://json-schema.org/geo"}},"required":["id","name","price"]}}'
df <- json %>% rep(1000) %>%
lapply(fromJSON) %>%
lapply(as.data.frame.list, stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
rbindlist(fill = T)
) # 2.72
I know that there are plenty of similar questions but most of the answers I saw was about using as.data.frame()
or data.frame()
. Nobody mentioned the speed. Maybe there is no better solution to this.
I finally found the answer. It will be on CRAN soon.
This function is about 10-times faster than my example above.
Try to collapse all JSONs in the one string. Let's show example of the solution: