The add on was running finely. At some point of time , this error started showing up only for one user. Other users dont experience this.
function buildAddOn(e) { //Add on trigger function
var card = CardService.newCardBuilder();
var section = CardService.newCardSection();
section.addWidget(CardService.newTextParagraph().setText("hello world"));
I do not have a file called Storage, though.
"SyntaxError: Unexpected token: u [line: 60, function: , file: Storage]"
Update This has something to do with this
Update 2: Gmail UI object e is undefined
This is not supposed to be undefined. This is an object that is provided by the Gmail UI.
console.log(e) //undefined
Update 3 The same addon runs perfectly for other users.
Empty cache and Hard reload browser this error will disappear (But keep in mind that it's not proper way to skip error for user end)