Callback from a C++ COM DLL to a C# application

2019-07-09 09:11发布

This is going to be a long post, as I want to expose you all the steps I tried to make this work :)

I have C++ COM dll which contains a VideoPlayer class which uses the Media Foundation API to display a video.

The VideoPlayer class is defined using an IDL file:

interface IVideoPlayer : IDispatch {

    [id(1)] HRESULT Initialize([in] HWND* video_hwnd, [in] HWND* event_hwnd);
    [id(2)] HRESULT OpenUrl([in] BSTR url_path);
    [id(3)] HRESULT Play();
    [id(4)] HRESULT HandleEvent([in] INT pEventPtr);
    [id(5)] HRESULT Repaint(void);
    [id(6)] HRESULT Resize([in] LONG width, [in] LONG height);

This class internally uses a custom presenter (which is based on the WPFMediaKit project), which outputs the video frames inside a IDirect3DSurface9 object.

The custom presenter needs a callback of type IEVRPresenterCallback, which is defined as follow:

IEVRPresenterCallback : public IUnknown
    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PresentSurfaceCB(IDirect3DSurface9 *pSurface) = 0;

As you can see, it is not defined in a IDL file, but is declared in a header file.

I need to add a new function to the VideoPlayer class, which allows the calling C# code to pass an instance of a class inheriting from IEVRPresenterCallback, which will be set to the custom presenter.

I've tried to add this line to the IDL file of the VideoPlayer:

[id(7)] HRESULT RegisterCallback2([in] IEVRPresenterCallback * p_PresenterCallback);

But I get an error:

error MIDL2025: syntax error : expecting a type specification near "IEVRPresenterCallback"

I guess it is normal, because I didn't import anything in the IDL. Which is normal, as IEVRPresenterCallback is defined in a header file.

I tried to import the header file, but the MIDL_INTERFACE macro of the IEVRPresenterCallback definition generates an error:

error MIDL2025: syntax error : expecting an interface name or DispatchInterfaceName or CoclassName or ModuleName or LibraryName or ContractName or a type specification near "MIDL_INTERFACE"

I then tried to forward declare the interface, but I got this error:

error MIDL2011: unresolved type declaration : IEVRPresenterCallback [ Parameter 'p_PresenterCallback' of Procedure 'RegisterCallback2' ( Interface 'IVideoPlayer' ) ]

My last attempt was to change the definition of RegisterCallback, to have a pointer to IUnknown instead of IEVRPresenterCallback, and in the declaration of the function, I cast the pointer to the correct interface.

This makes the C++ dll compile correctly.

In the C# application, I set the callback as follow:

[ComVisible(true), ComImport, SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity, Guid("B92D8991-6C42-4e51-B942-E61CB8696FCB"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
internal interface IEVRPresenterCallback
    int PresentSurfaceCB(IntPtr pSurface);

internal class EVRPresenterCallback : IEVRPresenterCallback
    public int PresentSurfaceCB(IntPtr pSurface)
        return 0;

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    private EmideeMediaFoundationLib.IVideoPlayer videoPlayer = new EmideeMediaFoundationLib.VideoPlayer();
    private EVRPresenterCallback callback = new EVRPresenterCallback();

    public MainWindow()

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        videoHost.VideoPlayer.OpenUrl(@"C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\wildlife.wmv");

The problem I get is despite the custom presenter calling the callback, I never get back in the C# PresentSurfaceCB function.

I'm completely stuck right now, and I don't know where the problem is, nor how to solve it :(

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

2楼-- · 2019-07-09 09:38

Thanks to Hans, I could make it work.

I moved the interface in the IDL file, and instead of returning a ID3D9Surface pointer in the callback, I return a DOWRD_PTR:

interface IEVRPresenterCallback : IUnknown {
    [id(1)] HRESULT PresentSurfaceCB( DWORD_PTR pSurface);

interface IVideoPlayer : IDispatch {

    [id(1)] HRESULT Initialize([in] HWND* video_hwnd, [in] HWND* event_hwnd);
    [id(2)] HRESULT OpenUrl([in] BSTR url_path);
    [id(3)] HRESULT Play();
    [id(4)] HRESULT HandleEvent([in] INT pEventPtr);
    [id(5)] HRESULT Repaint(void);
    [id(6)] HRESULT Resize([in] LONG width, [in] LONG height);
    [id(7)] HRESULT RegisterCallback([in] IEVRPresenterCallback * p_PresenterCallback);

In my WPF application, I create a class deriving from IEVRCallback:

internal class EVRPresenterCallback : EmideeMediaFoundationLib.IEVRPresenterCallback
    public void PresentSurfaceCB(uint pSurface)

and I give this instance to the VideoPlayer object.

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