I am new in VueJS. I am having a small problem that i could not figure it out. Hope some one can give me a hint.
I am creating a voice search button, basically when i click the voice button then it would record my voice and print it out to the input attribute in form.
<input type="text" name="inputSearch" id="inputSearch"
v-model="inputSearch" class="form-control" x-webkit-speech>
This is my script in VueJS
export default {
data() {
return {
inputSearch: '',
show: false
methods: {
voiceSearch: function(event){
this.inputSearch = '';
this.show = false;
if (window.hasOwnProperty('webkitSpeechRecognition')) {
var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
recognition.continuous = false;
recognition.interimResults = false;
recognition.lang = "en-US";
recognition.onresult = function(e) {
this.inputSearch = e.results[0][0].transcript;
recognition.onerror = function(e) {
alert('There are something wrong...');
}else {
alert('Your browser does not support HTML5/WebKitSpeech. You are not able to use this functionality');
I am able to get the text from the voice recoginization but can not show it in the input form.
Instead of using
use arrow syntax of ES6, which keeps scope of this intact, like this:or other option is to save
in some other variable and use that variable like following:You can have a look at my similar answer here.