I am trying to look for a special web.config
file for a web site installed on a local IIS. I do this search from a Windows service. I do the following:
using (ServerManager serverManager = new ServerManager())
for (int r = 0; r < serverManager.Sites.Count; r++)
string strSiteName = serverManager.Sites[r].Name;
ApplicationCollection arrApps = serverManager.Sites[r].Applications;
for (int a = 0; a < arrApps.Count; a++)
Microsoft.Web.Administration.Application aa = arrApps[a];
foreach (VirtualDirectory vd2 in aa.VirtualDirectories)
string strPhysPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(vd2.PhysicalPath);
int rr = 0;
Configuration cnfg = serverManager.GetWebConfiguration(strSiteName, strPhysPath);
if (cnfg != null)
string swww = getWebConfigGeneralParamValue(cnfg, "SpecNodeName");
public static string getWebConfigGeneralParamValue(Configuration config, string strParamKey)
string strRes = null;
ConfigurationSection configSection1 = config.GetSection("configuration");
if (configSection1 != null)
ConfigurationElement configGeneralParams = configSection1.GetChildElement("GeneralParams");
if (configGeneralParams != null)
ConfigurationElementCollection configCol = configSection1.GetCollection();
if (configCol != null)
strRes = configCol[strParamKey].ToString();
catch(Exception ex)
strRes = null;
return strRes;
and the web.config file that should be recognized by this script is something like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit
<!-- regular ASP.NET config stuff -->
<param key="SpecNodeName" value="Special Node Value"/>
But what I get is that config.GetSection("configuration");
throws this exception:
{"Filename: \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\C:\Users\Dev\Desktop\CSharp\MyTestWebApp\MyTestWebApp\web.config\r\nError: The configuration section 'configuration' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration\r\n\r\n"}
Any idea how to make it work?
You need not to target configuration, you need to target that particular node from where you need to get your data. here is the example.
I am feeling, if you have web.config why you want to use ServerManager. Take a look at below code, this I have been using in my code and it works as a charm. What it does is it loads web.config in readable format.