The HTTP_X_CSRFTOKEN header does not match what is inside the csrftoken cookie.
How can I examine the cookie? Set-Cookie is not displayed in the Response header for Cross Domain requests.
I have already followed instructions found in:
CSRF with Django, React+Redux using Axios
Interestingly I found "X-CSRFTOKEN" translates to "HTTP_X_CSRFTOKEN" on the server request header.
Works fine in the development env under localhost (although I am using 2 different ports - one for django and the other my frontend).
It seems the csrktoken cookie is not correctly set for cross domain rquests (although the browser displays it in the Request Header) so the X-CSRFTOKEN does not get sent.
I ended up adding an API call to return the current csrftoken using a GET request and then sending it back using the X-CSRFTOKEN header.
You will have to make the
header accessible via the CORSAccess-Control-Expose-Headers
directive. Example:This header has to be set by your API or web server, so that the browser will see it during the CORS preflight request.