Forall 1 <= a and 2 <= b exists k that (b^k) divide a but (b^(k+1)) do not divide a ; And I want to calculate k in coq:
Require Import ZArith Znumtheory.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Require Coq.Program.Tactics.
Require Coq.Program.Wf.
Lemma divgt0 ( a b : Z ) ( agt0 : 0 < a ) ( bgt1 : 1 < b ) (dvd : (b|a) ) : 0<a/b.
apply Zdivide_Zdiv_lt_pos.
Program Fixpoint factor ( a b : Z ) ( agt0 : 0 < a ) ( bgt1 : 1 < b ) {measure (Z.abs_nat a)} :=
if Zdivide_dec b a
then factor (a/b) b (divgt0 a b agt0 bgt1 (Zdivide_dec b a)) bgt1
else 0.
Next Obligation.
How I can use proof of (b|a) in then part of the if?
remembers that kind of information. If you leave an underscore in place of the needed proof, the system can figure it out on its own.At this point all you need to do is to prove that your measure decreases, which is not hard.