I'm trying to display the Italian cartographic shapefiles, for example this one, using D3.js
I can load the Zip file on MapShaper, look at the map, simplify it and export to TopoJSON. I can load back the TopoJSON in MapShaper and it still looks ok.
But when I try to display it using D3.js, I get a bunch of spaghetti:
Beauty, isn't it?
The code is taken straight from the examples. The projection center, rotation, and parallels are supposed to be the canonical ones for Italy, but it doesn't really matter: the map remains spaghetti-like with any choice of projection.
width = 600
height = 1200
projection = d3.geo.albers()
.center [0, 41]
.rotate [347, 0]
.parallels [35, 45]
.scale 2000
.translate [width / 2, height / 2]
path = d3.geo.path()
.projection projection
svg = d3.select "body"
.append "svg"
.attr "width", width
.attr "height", height
d3.json "Reg2011_ED50.json", (json) ->
svg.append "path"
.datum topojson.feature json, json.objects.Reg2011_ED50
.attr "d", path
What am I doing wrong?
I found an old mailing list post detailing how to import those exact files.
Basically I needed to convert the projection to a standard one with this command:
I don't understand why it's needed: I thought the
file took care of projection differences. Apparently not.