I have implemented GET request in my application and able to fetch data for my Account Table in the AccountComponent.
When I click on a particular row in the DataGrid , I get a POPUP window where I can access the row_data and using the dropdowns can update the **DataGrid **
But when I am selecting the required values for the dropdowns and trying to update, I'm getting the following error in my console.
Error code is : Error {"message":"Null values are not allowed","error":"java.lang.NullPointerException","path":"/spacestudy/rockefeller/admin/account/saveAttributes"}
Please access my sample StackBlitz here
Below shown are the screenshots of my sample app.
This is my Account Table
When I click on a row here is my POPUP
When I try to update I'm getting the following error in my console & Network tab
But when I'm trying to save it from backend through Swagger UI,then I'm able to successfully update the data
Can anybody please help me to solve this issue....?