I would like to increase the X-Axis (or Y-Axis for that matter) fontSize to 16 (or any value) in the following Altair graph. I could not find any example in the Altair documentation here: https://altair-viz.github.io/index.html. I am using Jupyter Lab for visualization. Intuitively alt.Axis should take FontSize argument
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
cars = data.cars()
alt.X('Horsepower', axis=alt.Axis(title="HORSEPOWER")),
alt.Y('Miles_per_Gallon', axis=alt.Axis(title="Miles Per Gallon")),
One way you can do this is using the top-level chart configuration (think of it as a set of default chart properties). For example:
You can read more in Altair's Chart Configuration documentation.