Confirmation token mentioned twice in GET request,

2019-07-08 05:14发布

I'm facing a strange bug when I follow confirmation link from devise email. The link is correct:


However in server log I get:

Started GET "/ru/users/confirmation?confirmation_token=yDNePwDTbxBzy5PqZE1e?confirmation_token=yDNePwDTbxBzy5PqZE1e"

As you see it is mentioned twice. For this reason I can't confirm the email.

The strangest thing is that it works in webrick, and I only see this issue in production (which happen to be nginx + passenger).

It might be the problem with my setup. I'm using Rails v4, and Devise v3. I re-wrote default devise confirmation#edit controller, and a couple of others, since I wanted to implement "sign-up by email" strategy, and also use ldap_authenticatable model instead of database_authenticatable. I also patched ldap_authenticatable to support multiple LDAPs. But even so -- can you point me where I should look to dig into my issue?


Middleware: production environment is 4 entries shorter:

  • production

      $ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake middleware 
      use Rack::Sendfile 
      use Rack::Lock 
      use Rack::Runtime 
      use Rack::MethodOverride 
      use ActionDispatch::RequestId 
      use Rails::Rack::Logger 
      use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions 
      use ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions 
      use ActionDispatch::RemoteIp 
      use ActionDispatch::Callbacks 
      use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement 
      use ActiveRecord::QueryCache 
      use ActionDispatch::Cookies 
      use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore 
      use ActionDispatch::Flash
      use ActionDispatch::ParamsParser
      use Rack::Head
      use Rack::ConditionalGet
      use Rack::ETag
      use Warden::Manager
      run Login::Application.routes
  • development:

      $ RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake middleware
      use Rack::Sendfile
    + use ActionDispatch::Static
      use Rack::Lock
      use Rack::Runtime
      use Rack::MethodOverride
      use ActionDispatch::RequestId
      use Rails::Rack::Logger
      use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions
    + use WebConsole::Middleware
      use ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions
      use ActionDispatch::RemoteIp
    + use ActionDispatch::Reloader
      use ActionDispatch::Callbacks
    + use ActiveRecord::Migration::CheckPending
      use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement
      use ActiveRecord::QueryCache
      use ActionDispatch::Cookies
      use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore
      use ActionDispatch::Flash
      use ActionDispatch::ParamsParser
      use Rack::Head
      use Rack::ConditionalGet
      use Rack::ETag
      use Warden::Manager
      run Login::Application.routes

Edit 2

I found out what was the reason: the link in the email was http. If I change that to https -- it works. So one just have to add

 config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {:protocol => 'https'}

in config/environments/production.rb and it works (on web-server restart). source

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