I have to check if one of my two mandatory products categories is in cart.
I have customized the code from this answer:
Allow checkout only when a product of a mandatory category is in cart
But with my custom code, it always checks for only one of them and I get some errors. My code is not working.
How can I make it work for 2 product categories instead of one?
Here is the code:
// Function that define the mandatory product category
function your_mandatory_category_slug(){
// DEFINE HERE the SLUG of the needed product category
$category = 'cxsuite-download-option';
return $category;
function your_mandatory_category_slug_h(){
// DEFINE HERE the SLUG of the needed product category
$category_h = 'cxsuite-hosted-option';
return $category_h;
// Conditional function that returns true if the mandatory product category is in cart
function has_mandatory_category(){
$category_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug();
$category_needed_h = your_mandatory_category_slug_h();
$has_cat = false;
// Iterrating each item in cart and detecting…
foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $item ) {
// Detects if the needed product category is in cart items
if ( has_term($category_needed, 'product_cat', $item['product_id'] ) ) {
$has_cat = true;
elseif ( has_term($category_needed_h, 'product_cat', $item['product_id'] ) ) {
$has_cat = true;
return $has_cat;
// Function that display a message if there is not in cart a mandatory product category
function mandatory_category_display_message() {
$category_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug();
$category_needed_h = your_mandatory_category_slug_h();
// check that cart is not empty (for cart and product category archives)
if( !WC()->cart->is_empty() && ( is_cart() || is_product_category( $category_needed ) || is_product_category( $category_needed_h ) ) ){
if( $category_needed=='cxsuite-download-option' ){
$category_obj = get_term_by( 'slug', $category_needed_single, 'product_cat' );
if ( is_wp_error( $category_obj ) ) return;
// Display message when product category is not in cart items
if ( !has_mandatory_category() ) {
$category_name = $category_obj->name;
$category_url = get_term_link( $category_needed_single, 'product_cat' );
// render a notice to explain why checkout is blocked
wc_add_notice( sprintf( __( '<strong>Reminder:</strong> You have chosen Addon that can only be purchased together with a %1$s. Please add a %1$s (full or trial) before checking out. Please return <a href="%2$s"> here to "%1$s" product page</a>', 'your_theme_domain'), $category_name, $category_url ), 'error' );
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'mandatory_category_display_message', 30 ); // for product mandatory category archives pages
add_action( 'woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'mandatory_category_display_message' ); // for cat page
// Function that redirect from checkout to mandatory product category archives pages
function mandatory_category_checkout_redirect() {
// If cart is not empty on checkout page
if( !WC()->cart->is_empty() && is_checkout() ){
$category_needed = your_mandatory_category_slug();
$category_needed_h = your_mandatory_category_slug_h();
if(is_product_category( $category_needed )){
// If missing product category => redirect to the products category page
if ( !has_mandatory_category() )
wp_redirect( get_term_link( $category_needed_single, 'product_cat' ) );
add_action('template_redirect', 'mandatory_category_checkout_redirect');
Updated (on April 2018)
You can only use partially the code you have picked up from my answer, for 2 or more categories, using an array of product categories this way:
But you will have to choose for the last function, between one of the 2 product categories for the redirection…
This goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or theme) or also in any plugin file.
This code is based on this functional answer:
Allow checkout only when a product of a mandatory category is in cart
It is untested, but it should work…