I have been trying for days to get the Apache POI API to work, but I keep running into errors with the xmlbeans2.6.0 jar
. First, whenever I tried to run my app, it would crash saying that there was a duplicate class, so I did the usual method of extracting all the files and converting those files back into a jar; however, now I get that this error:
Didn't find class "org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/arcane.com.athletesunited-1/base.apk"]
Any thoughts?
Apache POI will not work out of the box on Android. With the XML based formats you will run into a few issues with bare Apache POI libraries, partly because Android has some limitations and also because the XMLBeans jar file has duplicate class files among others.
There are currently at least two projects that wrap/adjust Apache POI for easier usage on Android:
it's unfortunately due to this issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XMLBEANS-499 which hasn't been fixed in... 3 years!!!
If any one wants to know the answer to this, it's simple: don't use Apache-POI, but instead use something like jexcel.