How to use hql update query using hibernate template thi is the hql statement "update Login set empSmartId = 48750005" +" where empPassword = 6328ef1675ddb7106eba8dc2661961d7"
using getHibernatetemplate()
Current code:
public class LoginDaoImp extends HibernateDaoSupport implements LoginDao {
public boolean resetAttempt(Login login) {
try { login.setAttempt(0);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return false; }
i can save whole pojo class above code work but i want to use where condition to update only hibernateTemplate to update the data
I know this question is very old but, may this solution help someone else...
Here is a trick to update a record in DB.
The trick is first fetch the required record from the DB, update the required fields using setter methods of associated POJO class & then give a call to entity)
method, just like below:-This is working solution in my case.
you would be looking something like this